Student Life
Clubs & Activities

Career Exploration Club

Mission Statement: We are passionate about helping students explore options for their future, manage the stresses of career exploration, and introduce life beyond high school. 

Club Description: During each bimonthly meeting, we introduce a new career to our members. Past presentations have included psychology, physical therapy & sports medicine, education, business and professional investment, etc. Each meeting covers the basis of the career, essential responsibilities/skills, possible post secondary paths, majors, top colleges, other levels of education, degrees and their opportunities, as well as “day in the life” accounts of that career. Occasional speakers are also brought in to provide a glimpse into the life of a professional in the career fields we discuss. 

Meeting Time and Location: Wednesdays or Fridays at 7:15 AM in the Idea Studio, unless otherwise communicated 

Moderator and Email: Mr. Brian Wand,

Student Leaders: Oresta Holubec & Audrey Olejnik (club co-founders and co-leaders); Caroline Gibbs (communications manager); Maclane Zich (board leader) 

Method of Communication to Members: Emails, Google Classroom posts, our Instagram page (@careerexplorationclub), Student Government weekly newsletters, as well as daily announcements 