Student Life
Campus Ministry


Opportunities for Faith & Personal Transformation

St. Benedict taught about the importance of conversion, the ongoing turning of the heart to God.
Therefore, Benet Academy offers retreats for students all four years of their time here.  Benet's retreats are designed as opportunities for faith formation and personal transformation.  Our retreats allow our students to temporarily leave behind the usual hectic schedules they face, to be refreshed and revitalized, and to focus on God as central to their lives.  Each year the retreat experience is tailored to build on the academic foundations of faith taught in the classroom, and to aid our students in strengthening their personal relationship with Christ and the Catholic faith.

Freshman Year

Day of Reflection

Each October, Freshmen enjoy a day of prayer and work as they explore their new membership in the Benedictine tradition.  Students will be informed of the Benet tradition that began with St. Procopius Abbey and will learn about and reflect on how they can live out the charisms of listening, obedience, prayer, work, balance, hospitality, community, and stability in their own lives

Sophomore Year


A retreat offered for sophomores twice annually. Sophomore students join us for a Friday of prayer and reflection,  lifting up the way God communicates to us through nature, art, music, people, FOOD and scripture. The experiences  are hands on, fun, and reflective, opening our eyes to how God is all around us every day.

Junior Year


Catalyst is a retreat for juniors held at Benet Academy. Students participate in large and small group icebreakers,  listen to faith talks given by their classmate leaders, share feelings and ideas in small group discussions, and have  time for prayer in addition to some free time to shoot hoops and hang out. The theme of the retreat is for juniors to reflect on their relationships  with God and with their peers. The experience encourages them to break out of the small social cliques that are  common in adolescent life.  

The retreat happens 3 times a year: fall, winter, and spring.

Senior Year


Back in the 1990-1991 school year, a brave set of teachers and students began a senior retreat program.  This retreat program is called “Logos”, Greek for Word, the word of God, the Christ. In the Logos mission statement, it reads “the retreat is grounded in incarnation theology and Benedictine spirituality.  It is an experience of hospitality and community building...”  On each retreat through the sharing of personal stories, through the opening of hearts, we hope to make known the Love of God through his son Jesus the Christ to one another.

Through the years sometimes four times a year most of the time five times a year around forty or more candidates plus five student leaders and five adult leaders take two and a half days out at a retreat center to be together to invite the spirit to dwell with them, to laugh, to pray, to reflect, to relax, to cry, to build new friendships and strengthen old ones. We celebrate the Eucharist. We sing our grace before meals. We laugh more. We write a letter to God.  We talk about faith.  We talk about doubt. We leave tired yet with hearts filled with gratitude.

This is truly a reason to celebrate.  Over the years on average more than two hundred seniors each year have made the retreat.  That makes over four thousand five hundred seniors that have been given a cross and a candle and encouraged to go and “live Logos”.