Curriculum & Departments

Science Department

Department Summary

The Benet Academy Science Department strives to prepare students for admission to college and success in science-related courses on the collegiate level by exposing students to major concepts in biology, chemistry and physics and extensive study in electives, such as advanced and AP courses. The science curriculum increases critical and quantitative reasoning skills to develop life-long learners and seekers of knowledge that extends beyond a science classroom. The teachers hope to spark an interest in students to become critical observers as they integrate science and technology and evaluate social issues that they encounter as good citizens.

Science Department teachers collaborate to explore new options that enhance learning and to develop a curriculum that challenges the student to think critically. With many years of experience, advanced degrees and a state of the art facility, these dedicated teachers bring real life applications to the classroom.
Science has a passion for discovery, learning, and knowledge. We as a team choose to guide and support our students in all aspects of the discipline so that a passion for the sciences will flourish.

Meet the Science Department

List of 11 items.